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The Epsom Group Ministry
The parishes of Christ Church, St Barnabas and St Martin
Priest in Charge: The Reverend Nicholas Parish
Tel: 01372 743336 /
Assistant Curate: The Reverend Lynn Alsop
Tel: 07881 745004 /
Priest-in-retirement: The Reverend Canon Adrian Esdaile
Tel: 01372 723770
8:00 AM Holy Communion (1662 Prayer Book)
10:00 AM Parish Communion:
There is a Quiet Room with nursery equipment, books and toys with the Church.
11:30 AM
4:00 PM as Advertised:
T@4 – explore, discussion and reflection on social and ethical issues and the Christian, over cake and coffee or tea.
Please contact Gina Ciesco, Parish Administrator, for further details.
Telephone 01372 722567 on weekdays from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM . E-mail
The Mothers’ Union meets in Church at 10:00 AM on the first Wednesday of the Corporate Communion at 10:30 AM. Coffee is served after this Service.
The monthly meeting of the Mothers’ Union is held at 10:30 AM on the third Tuesday of each month in Church House. Visitors are very welcome.
A Mothers and Toddlers Group meets in church House every Thursday from 9:45 AM to 11:45 AM, except during school holidays.
On the First Wednesday of each month at 2:30 PM in the Wisley Room in Church House. Tea, Coffee and Cake, all welcome, bring your neighbours and friends.
(The building behind the brick wall at the bottom of the Church steps)
On Wednesdays at 10:30 AM Holy Communion (1662). Followed by fellowship and tea.
For more information about St Martin’s, please visit the website Epsom Church of England Website.
For information about other churches in Epsom please read the related posts listed below.